Get Unstuck and Fulfill God's Plans for Your Life

Do you have dreams and goals you’re reaching for? How do you feel about your life? Are you happy, or do you have an “I hate my life” attitude?

Everyone faces problems in their life. We all have disappointments, shattered dreams, people who don’t like us, and people who even come against us. And the devil wants to use these things to discourage us and keep us from moving forward with our lives and the plans God has for us. He’s a dream thief, and if he can get you to focus on what’s wrong or what you don’t like about your life, he can defeat you.

How you think, the attitude you have, what you say and how you act determines whether you live in your problems or you move forward in the plans God has for you. Because our thoughts prepare us for action, we have to be determined to think like Jesus and agree with God’s Word.
Disappointment That Could Have Held Me Back.

In the early years of our ministry, we had our TV program on a particular station once a week. At the time, this was a really important station for us to be on. One day, they called and said they were cancelling our contract with us because of programming changes they were making. I was so upset about it and wondered how they could just tear up our contract. It’s so frustrating when there’s an injustice and you feel like something needs to be done, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

Shortly after this happened, I felt God speak to my heart about forgiving the people who made this decision. The devil wanted me to believe that nothing would change, but the truth was, if I would trust God and let it go, He could take it and do something with it. By His grace, I did, and about a year later, this same station contacted us and asked us to come on their station every day.

The devil wanted me to get stuck in my anger about the injustice that had been done. And if I had, it’s likely we wouldn’t have made much progress in God’s will for us.
God has made a lot of things possible for Joyce Meyer Ministries , including opportunities through our world missions outreaches. We’re currently providing food for thousands of hungry children every day, supporting efforts to rescue victims of human trafficking, providing free medical care in places where health care is either hard to get or nonexistent, fully supporting children’s homes in foreign countries, and much more.

We’re also providing our TV program to two-thirds of the world and broadcasting on hundreds of radio stations. These are just a few examples of how God has blessed our ministry.

But if I had chosen to believe the devil’s lies over what God could do through our ministry, we wouldn’t be helping the hurting and reaching the lost today.
The Power of Having the Mind of Christ
Until we agree with God, He can’t do anything in our life. We have to learn to recognize the lies of Satan and stop believing him. We need to glance at our problems and stare at Jesus. Then we can have the mind of Christ and think like God thinks.

First Corinthians 2:16 says, “…We have the mind of Christ” (NIV). We also have the Word of God to teach us about God’s promises for our life. When our thinking lines up with the Word of God, we are in a position to walk by faith and do what God is leading us to do.

When the devil lies and says you can’t, remember that God’s Word says you can do all things that God wants you to do through Christ who strengthens you (see Philippians 4:13). When he says it’s impossible for you to do what God has put in your heart, remember that all things are possible with God (see Matthew 19:26 and Luke 18:27).
Make up your mind to shake off the lies that hold you back and have a good attitude. If you will, the devil can’t defeat you. Remember: Nothing is too hard for God!

#StayMotivated #StayFocus #Be_Determined #And_Aspire_To_Inspire #In_Order_To_Fulfill_The_Purpose_Of_God #for_YourLife_Before_You_Expire


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