The human mind is the greatest asset that man has because that is the home of ideas. The human mind gave birth to the most awesome invention of technology and business. The deeper the mind, the greater the treasures that are delivered to the world.

The way you see yourself determines what you will achieve and what you can become in life. Forget what other people think of you. It is the ideas and image that you have for yourself that matter most, because you can never rise above whatever image and ideas you have for yourself. As your creator, God knows what he has put inside you. So whatever God says that you are, that is what you are, that you can you do, that is what you will do, that you can have, that is what you will have. (The bible says: my thought towards you is not of evil 1 chro 29:12)

Ideas will change your status in life. Dig for ideas and you will come up with something more than gold, more than oil. You will come up with your tremendous potential that will contribute meaningfully to the world.
Stay away from people who only likes you because of what you have or what you can do for them surround yourself with people who will give you a positive feedback on yourself and celebrate you in spite of your shortcomings; people who will support your dreams, ideas and vision, people who will treat you the right way and respect you. You do yourself great injustice when you compare your ideas to others, so don’t. The truth is that you end up comparing your weakness to their strengths and you run yourself down. Celebrate your ideas and others will join to celebrate it, when people talk about your weakness, point them to your strengths.

In conclusion, you have the mind of Christ.  This is the mind that made all things. Therefore nothing can be daunting to you anymore. You have the potential to come up with great – moving ideas that can change the world, they say that ideas rule the world and you now have the greatest mind of all mind therefore with the mind that you now have, you now have the capability to bring out the best of ideas that you can sell to the world. You are a genius, so therefore there is still gold and oil in the deep recesses of your mind. Go dig for it and your status in the world will chromatically change. You are born to be a leader you are born to lead your generation, you are born to succeed, you are born to achieve greatness, no one can stop you except yourself. So get up, speak out, and summon the courage. You are up to the standard.

Your ability to think and come up with good ideas in every business, organization or social situation can have an extraordinary effect on your life. It can bring you to the attention of people who can help you and open doors for you. The greatest men of today are not men from great families, or men with wealth of money, but wealth of ideas. Without new ideas, civilization is in danger, all you need to succeed has already being put in you by God, it is now left for you to sit down and think of what is in you.
Now have some minute of silence …………………. Ponder this world WHAT IS IN ME; you will now discover what God has created you for. Till we meet at the TOP keep on thinking of ideas that can make you great .LOOK UP, LOOK IN and LOOK AROUND for IDEAS.

Creativity comes from the world create and can be defined as the ability to create something from nothing. Remember God will not ask you to bring out or produce what he has not endowed you with; this is to assure you that the power of creativity lies in your inside. I want you to remember that we are all standing on the acre of diamond and gold, we only need to locate and trade with it. It is also good to know that creativity comes from good thinking and good thinking is from the mind. God ideas flow through our minds and that is why our minds should be properly used for positive production.

So, exercise your mind by thinking to bring into existence ideas that will generate wealth and honor for you.

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