Determination is the tool we use to reach our goals; determination is the tool we use to succeed. The world has not ended until it ends. It is not finished until it is finished. Why waiting? Why complaining, why crying, why saying negative things concerning yourself, why dejected, why frustrated, why saying I’m okay the way i am, why saying I am destined to be poor, I’m destined not to be educated, why saying there is no hope while living. Benjamin Franklin is an example of a man who became successful because he mastered the art of determination. He tried over 5,000 times and failed each time before he was able to make the first light bulb. He could have given up after 3,000 or 4,000 tries, however, winners never quit, and quitters never win.
People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to." - George E. Allen
As you see your today’s problems determines your tomorrow’s solution. Problems don’t last always. A writer says, “Problems are opportunities with thorns on them”. What you belief yourself to be, you are. Yourself - image prescribes the limit for your accomplishment of your goal I want you to believe that if you say you can do it you can, but if you say you cannot you can’t. Don’t be negative minded, don’t lose hope, be determined and say to yourself “my goal” I must accomplish it, I must make it, I most succeed.
It is possible to think and not to be determined, action they say speak louder than voice, if you refuse to act on your thoughts your thoughts will remain a dream that will never come to pass. If you thought of having a certificate then you need to be determined to go to school, if you thought of having children, then you need to be determine of having a wife and be able to care for her needs, if you thoughts of having a good job then you need to be determine to apply for one, if you thought of achieving greatness then you must be ready to face the challenges ahead.
Anything you think of doing then you need to be determined to pay the price. Pay the sacrifice that is attached to your GREATNESS. Sacrifice means giving up something valuable or important for somebody or something else considered to be of more value or importance. It means letting go of something you want to get something you desire. It’s both a biblical principle, and a natural principle, you have to give up to go up! In chess sacrifice means intentionally giving up one of your pawns in order to gain a strategic advantage.
If you are tired of going round that mountain, if you’re tired of that boring life, if you’re tired of that job then you’ve got to be ready to give up something good to get something better. Understand that the departure of anything will always do you a favor by creating a void for something greater to take its place. You might have to give up that relationship that is choking your destiny in order to embrace a better one, you might need to make some financial sacrifice to break that cycle of lack and stagnancy and usher in the financial harvest you’ve long waited for, you might have to quit making excuses and give up more of your time for the things of God in order to open up that next level.
Convenience, comfort and compromise are the armed robber assigned to steal your future from you and the easiest way to terminate them is by intentional paying the SACRIFICE. You can never excel above the sacrifice you’re willing to make; one of the common factors among great men and women is their willingness to pay sacrifice for what they want. Make a commitment today and let go of what you have in order to receive what you want. Many only think of what they will do but their problem is that they never get started; action is the missing link in the lives of many.
Bishop David Oyedepo says: CONFESSION without ACTION equal FRUSTRATION, so don’t just say it with your mouth, that I will do this I will do that, you need to take ACTION and be DETERMINED.
Yes, you can. There is nothing impossible to the person who has a definite and clear purpose. You are a person, so you only need a definite purpose. Every morning, every day, when you are in front of the mirror, talk to that special person in front of you and tell him/her how good, smart, valuable, capable, intelligent and loved he/she is.
Take action, If now you cannot do great things, try to do small things great. Now you may not see any door open but once you believe totally and blindly in yourself and believe that you can do whatever you decide, many doors will open for you. It doesn't matter your background, it doesn't matter where you are coming from, but they will not open until you get ready and it is entirely up to you. You are not defeated unless you defeat yourself.
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